Dr Raghvendra Jaiswal

What is an Orthopaedic MRI in Kanpur?

What is an Orthopaedic MRI in Kanpur?

What do you mean by an Orthopaedic MRI?

MRI is a diagnostic examination that uses a combination of magnets, radio frequencies, and the computer to produce detailed images of organs and structures of the body.  MRI scans severe conditions that cannot be diagnosed by X-ray.

An orthopaedic MRI shows your orthopedic doctor in Kanpur the parts of your body that don’t show up well on a standard X-ray.

The orthopedic MRI makes it possible for orthopedists to view:

  • Joints
  • Cartilage
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Muscles
  • Soft tissues
  • Bones

The orthopedic doctor in Kanpur uses the MRI to look for structural damage and defects in your joints, especially in the knee and shoulder. They are the most complex joints with many spaces where an X-ray can hide the damage.

According to the best orthopedic doctor in Kanpur, we can conduct an MRI on the foot, ankle, hip, arm, elbow, wrist, and hand. Sometimes orthopaedic surgeons can also demand an MRI, although in many cases, the referral was done by a spinal specialist.

How should you prepare for an MRI?

1. Drink/Eat

You may be allowed to eat, drink, and take medications as usual for most of the MRI examinations. But there are some restrictions that are required for MRI exams, which your orthopedic doctor in Kanpur will tell you.

2. Clothing

According to the best orthopedic doctor in Kanpur, you should remove all your personal belongings like piercings, jewellery, and other valuable things at home. For MRI, we suggest you change into a patient immediately and lock up all your personal belongings.

3. What to expect

Imaging occurs in the tube like a structure machine, which is open from both sides. You have to lie under the machine until the perfect pictures come out. Due to the loud sound of the MRI machine, earplugs are required to protect your hearing.

4. Allergy

If you have any allergic reactions related to your condition, you must contact your physician to get the prescription.

5. Anti-Anxiety medication

If you have anxiety problems like claustrophobia, you can contact your orthopedic doctor in Kanpur for a prescription.

Other Important Safety Measures Taken by You

When you call your orthopaedic surgeons for an appointment, it is crucial to inform them if any of the following applies to you:

  • If you have a pacemaker or replace your heart valves.
  • If you have implanted any pump, such as an insulin pump.
  • If you have vessel coils, stents, filters, or clips.
  • If you are pregnant
  • If you have permanent eyeliner or tattoos
  • If you have any metallic fragments in your body.
  • If you have a bullet wound
  • If you are unable to lie down for one hour.

What happens during an MRI?

Typically, MRI follows these processes:

  • Start by removing all your jewellery, eyeglasses, hearing aids, hairpins, and other objects that may interfere with the procedure.
  • If you have any treatment in contrast, an intravenous line will be started in the hand or arm for injection of the contrast dye.
  • You will lie on the table, and it slides into a large circular opening of the scanning machine. Pillows and straps are also used to stop movement during the procedure. 
  • You will be directly in contact with the technologist with speakers inside the scanner, so you can get in contact with him.
  • Earplugs or a headset will be provided to you to protect your ears from the loud voice of the MRI machine.
  • During the scanning process, you’ll hear a clicking noise as the magnetic field is created and pulses of radio waves are sent from the scanner.
  • It is essential to stay straight during the procedure because any movement can cause distortion and affect the quality of the scans.
  • Don’t forget to inform the technologist if you have difficulty breathing, sweating, numbness, or heart palpitations.
  • Once the procedure is done, the table will slide out of the scanner, and you will be assisted off the table.

When do orthopaedic surgeons in Kapur order an MRI scan for orthopedic conditions?

  • An orthopedic doctor in Kanpur demands an MRI for orthopedic conditions when-
  • You have severe muscle pain, a pain that does not leave you even when you rest.
  • Feeling numbness near your joints or muscles.
  • Experiencing muscle immobility for a long time, and that keeps you away from your regular exercises.
  • You have swelling near the joints of the hands, legs, arms, shoulders, hip, wrist, elbow, etc.
  • Your motions or actions get prohibited.
  • You feel sudden weakness in your bones or muscles.
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