The best knee replacement surgeon in Kanpur, Dr. Raghvendra Jaiswal, offers total knee replacement and knee reconstruction surgery to repair the injured joint and restore function to the knee. He is an expert in the latest surgical techniques and technology.
An injured or diseased knee can make your everyday activities painful or unbearable. For patients who wish to remain active, knee reconstruction or knee replacement surgery may be the best option for you.
The best Orthopedic Doctor in Kanpur provides expert-level evaluation and treatment of severe knee injuries and disease, offering the advanced surgical techniques and technology that patients need to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Orthopaedic surgeons are leaders in the field of orthopaedic medicine and often spearhead innovations to improve knee surgery.
Knee Reconstruction and Replacement Surgery happens for the knee joints that are injured or deteriorating due to a number of factors, such as:
Symptoms of a knee injury or knee disorder that might require total knee replacement surgery include:
After conducting a physical exam and patient history to determine the cause and severity of your knee injury, an orthopedic doctor will often order imaging tests to see if the patient is a good candidate for knee replacement surgery or knee reconstruction surgery. These include:
X-rays help orthopedic doctor to view the joints and see if there is any deterioration in the bone. CT scans and MRI scans are used when we need to get a comprehensive look at soft tissue injuries to ligaments, cartilage, and tendons.
These diagnostic tests allow orthopedic doctors to understand the extent of the injury and its location to determine if knee replacement surgery is the best course of action.
If non-surgical treatments have not relieved you from your knee pain, then it’s the time to consider surgery as your best option. Depending on the severity of your pain and injury, there are a couple of procedures that you may think.
With many severe ACL tears, the ligaments cannot be sutured back together, so ligament reconstruction surgery is the best treatment option. In a knee ligament reconstruction, the orthopaedic surgeon will replace the torn ligament with a tissue graft from a healthy tendon. The graft works as scaffolding for a new ligament to grow on.
In total knee replacement or total knee arthroplasty, orthopaedic surgeons resurface the end of the thigh bone and the top of the lower leg bone with metal, where the two bones come together to form the joint of the knee. Orthopaedic surgeons leave the original ligaments, tendons, skin, muscle, and most of the bone and simply resurface the damaged cartilage in the knee with a metal liner.
The gap between those two metal surfaces is filled with durable plastic. Then, a patient starts walking after knee replacement surgery, the cushion in the joint has been restored, improving a patient’s gait and relieving pain.
Partial knee replacement surgery is done for patients with arthritis that are confined to one section of the knee. Partial replacement resurfaces the joint’s worn-out part with a metal and plastic liner.
For the patients who have had adverse outcomes from knee replacement surgery, the revision knee replacement surgery is done.
Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is often termed knee resurfacing because, in knee arthroplasty, we only replace the surface of the knee bones.
You may also be put to sleep using general anaesthesia or epidural, spinal, or regional nerve block anaesthesia for the treatment.
Generally, knee arthroplasty is performed in four steps that are as follows:
Bone preparation is the first step in the knee arthroplasty procedure. In this step, the damaged cartilage surfaces at the end of the two bones are removed. Your orthopaedic surgeons will probably remove a small amount of bone underlying the ends of the tibia and femur to fit these into the artificial component.
In the second step of the knee replacement surgery, your orthopaedic surgeon will replace the removed cartilage and bone with metal components that recreate the surface of the knee joint.
It’s important to mention that most replacement joints consist of a metal femoral component, a plastic tibial component held in a metal tray, and a plastic patellar component.
Your new artificial joint might be “press fit” or cemented into the intact one.
The third step of the knee replacement involves resurfacing the knee cap. For this, your orthopaedic surgeons will make an incision in the undersurface of the patella, remove the damaged part, and replace it with a mushroom-shaped prosthesis.
In the final step, your orthopaedic surgeon will insert a plastic spacer between the femoral and tibial components of the artificial joints. The spacer works to create a smooth, gliding surface for the metal components.